Shoot NO Shoot: Post Office (Video and Logbooks) Order
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Video and Logbooks Order:
Now you can order the first video released in the Shoot NO Shoot: Critical Decision Making series entitled,"Post Office" and the two companion logbooks...
Shoot NO Shoot: Critical Decision Making: Post Office
(4-discs, 100 realistic scenarios, over 10 hours of instruction)
Shoot NO Shoot: Critical Decision Making Logbook
Shoot NO Shoot: Critical Decision Making:
Shooting Solutions Logbook
.........................................................................................................Subtotal = $149.85
............................................................................................FREE Bonus Gift = $ 00.00
..............................................................................................................Total = $149.85
That's right, you didn't read that wrong, if you order the Post Office video and the two companion logbooks in this order special today, you will receive a bonus gift, ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Your purchases will usually ship within 3 to 5 business days!
Video Details:
The information provided in this four-disc instructional video, focuses on the critical decision making and personal protections skills that you will need if you are ever faced with a self-defense situation where the use of non-deadly and/or deadly force with or without a firearm may be required.
This instructional video was created in order to help the viewer improve his or her own critical decision making skills by placing them in 100 separate simulated “Shoot NO Shoot” scenarios. The viewer is then tasked with making a decision on whether or not force is justified, and if physical force is justified, what level of force, if warranted, is justified in each scenario. Is non-deadly and/or deadly force the right choice? Or are there other options available to each individual viewer?
This instructional video was designed and created for use by responsible, mature individuals concerned with the safety of themselves and their loved ones. These scenarios can be used by men and women regardless of; age, size, physical condition, or lack thereof. As a matter of fact, as long as you can safely operate a firearm in a competent manner, you can increase your critical decision making and personal protection skills by closely following the recommend instructions in order to obtain maximum possible benefit when viewing and actively participating in these 100 scenarios .
This four-disc, 100 scenario instructional video presents a wide ranging variety of real-life situations, filmed on location at an independently owned mail service center, that you the viewer may very well end up dealing with one day and are then forced to make what literally could be a life or death decision.
Shoot NO Shoot Logbook Details:
This logbook was created as a supplemental training aid to be used in conjunction with the Shoot NO Shoot: Critical Decision Making series of instructional videos designed to put you, the viewer, through a series of one hundred simulated self-defense scenarios, which puts the viewer in a position to make a “critical decision” on the events that are immediately transpiring either directly at them, or while in their presence. Concerning first, whether or not they are in fact faced with a lethal force situation. And secondly, if they are indeed facing a lethal force situation, are they themselves justified in using lethal force in order to protect their life and/or the lives of others?
The purpose of this logbook is to give you, the viewer, a ready-made, basically “fill in the blanks,” journal in which you can accurately and consistently write down your continuing progress as you make your way from Scenario #001 through Scenario #100, in whatever particular location that was being used for filming in the Shoot NO Shoot instructional video series that you are currently viewing.
In order to get the maximum benefit from this logbook and your viewing of the 100 scenarios in this particular set of scenarios in the Shoot NO Shoot instructional video that you are currently viewing, you first need to follow the directions provided to not only ensure that you get the most out of your training, but also to make sure that you do so safely. You will then need to totally immerse yourself into each and every scenario and actively participant in them as if the events that you are viewing are real and actually happening to you in real-time.
Shooting Solutions Logbook Details:
This logbook was created as a supplemental training aid to be used in conjunction with the Shoot NO Shoot: Critical Decision Making series of instructional self-defense/firearms videos designed to put you, the viewer, through a series of 100 simulated self-defense scenarios, which puts the viewer in a position where they need to make a “critical decision” on the events that are immediately transpiring directly in front of them. In some of those scenarios, there are numerous “Shooting Solutions” which you can take from those scenarios and create your own series of actual live-fire drills that you can then put into practice at your local indoor/outdoor gun ranges.
The purpose of this logbook is to give you, the viewer, a ready-made, basically “fill in the blanks,” journal in which you can accurately and consistently write down your continuing progress as you make your way through the various “Shooting Solutions” found in the 100 scenarios in, whatever particular location that was being used for filming, the Shoot NO Shoot instructional video series that you are currently viewing.
In order to get the maximum benefit from this logbook, and the various shooting solutions found during the viewing of the 100 scenarios in the Shoot NO Shoot instructional video that you are currently viewing, you first need to follow the directions provided to not only ensure that you get the most out of your training, but also to make sure that you do so safely. You will then need to totally immerse yourself into each and every shooting solution, and actively participant in them as if the events that you are simulating during the live-fire drill are real and actually happening to you in real-time.